Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are your business hours?
A: Cavallo's Critter Care business office is open 7 days a week, including holidays, from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM.  You may contact Cavallo's Critter Care either by phone or e-mail.  Please be assured your call or e-mail will be answered as soon as possible!

Q: How trustworthy is my pet sitter?
A: Cavallo's Critter Care is owned and oeprated by Jeannie Cavallo Martin, who is both bonded and insured through the State of Georgia.  We are more than happy to provide customer references to you at any time.

Q: Can I meet my pet sitter?
A: You definitely will meet your sitter!  I will meet with you prior to any services being rendered.  I will introduce myself to your pet so they will know who I am when I come visit.  I will also collect all the necessary information from you concerning the care, feeding and instructions for your pet.

Q: What happens during a visit?
A: Each visit last approximately 20-30 minutes.  During this time, your pet will be fed and given fresh water, litter box and cages cleaned, any boo-boo's taken care of and lots of fresh air on walks!  Any meds that need to be given to your pet will also be done at this time as well as other items that you need to have taken care of.  Mail and newspapers will be picked up and brought inside so there will be no tell tale signs of you not at home.  And, of course, plenty of loving on your pet!  Head and tummy rubs, cuddles, hugs and playing with toys!


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